2022 Campaign

Good health happens by design and with preparation. We plan nutritious meals, when we'll exercise, and our annual visits with our primary care provider. Yet every now and then, emergencies arise, and our good health is in the hands of the doctors and nurses who work 24/7 in emergency medicine.

Throughout the pandemic, these professionals have gone above and beyond to care for us and our loved ones. While I know that we can’t personally do much to thank and help them, what I can do is be a part of the Cass Health Foundation’s 2022 campaign.

And with your help, we can provide a specialized telemedicine cart to immediately help patients suspected of suffering from a stroke in the Cass Health Emergency Department.

“For potential stroke patients, it’s so valuable to have an immediate consult from a neurologist,” said Cass Health Emergency Department Director Darci Young, RN. “Early recognition and treatment of stroke can make all the difference in a patient’s recovery.”

Facts from the American Stroke Association

  • Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the U.S.
  • On average, 1.9 million brain cells die every minute that a stroke goes untreated.
  • On average, someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke every 40 seconds, and nearly 795,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year.
  • Early stroke detection and treatment are key to improving survival, minimizing disability, and speeding recovery times.

Your gift towards this equipment has a lifesaving impact on our community because your donation goes to work right here at Cass Health. Please join us by sending your donation today using the enclosed envelope. You can also make a secure donation anytime online at casshealth.org.

On behalf of everyone at Cass Health, we thank you for your generous support.


Cass Health Foundation Board

Kris Wernimont, President
Jo Ann Poeppe, Vice President
Sid Knop, Secretary
Dave Chase, Treasurer
Dr. Todd Bean
Brad Henningsen
Carolyn Hunt
Nick Hunt
Earlene Krauth
Jody Lorence
Lucas Mosier
Jerry Putnam
Lorilyn Schultes


Click here to Donate Online now.


If you prefer to mail a donation:

Make checks payable to:
Cass Health Foundation

Mailing Address:
Cass Health Foundation
Cass Health
1501 East 10th Street
Atlantic, IA 50022