Stop the Bleed Training in Massena
November 27, 2018For Immediate Release
Atlantic, IA –Bleeding from a traumatic injury can lead to death in just a few minutes, well before medical help can arrive. Cass County Public Health is offering a free class for the public to learn about bleeding control as part of the Stop the Bleed campaign. The class is on Tuesday, December 11th at 6:30 pm at the Outdoor Classroom. Reservations are required and seating is limited; please call Linda Edelman at Cass County Public Health at 712-243-7551 to sign up or if you have any questions.
“Stop the Bleed teaches someone how to safely and immediately take action, potentially saving a life.” said Beth Olsen, Director of Cass County Public Health. “Everyone should know how to recognize life-threatening bleeding and take appropriate steps to control bleeding until help arrives.”
The Stop the Bleed campaign is a national initiative originating from the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, the White House, and other governmental and private agencies. The program is currently being championed by the American College of Surgeons-Committee on Trauma. The program is based on recommendations identified in the Hartford Consensus, which was a review of mass casualty and active shooter events. The program is designed to teach civilian bystanders basic hemorrhage control techniques.